Farewell and good luck to Shaun Holmes

Farewell to Shaun Holmes

It was almost 4 years ago to the day that Shaun Holmes accepted the position as Sales Operations Manager at Desynit. Since his arrival, Shaun has brought with him incredible enthusiasm, energy, fun and mayhem to the Desynit team, and to our customers (hopefully not the mayhem part..) It’s with sadness therefore that we announce that he will be leaving us at the end of this year and moving on.

Shaun explains, “My next move is to join Andy Mahood at Taskfeed as the COO. I am amazed by the progress he has made singlehandedly with Taskfeed. I believe that together we will grow the company into something even greater.”

We are of course delighted for Shaun and wish him huge success in his next venture with our friend Andy Mahood. We are looking forward to seeing Taskfeed grow and develop under their partnership.

In his own words, Shaun leaves us with this retrospective on this time with the Desynit team, and also some sage words of life advice:-

“I will miss the chance to jump out on you in the corridor, play with your lego, the parties, heated discussions and going for random walks. If I could leave you all with just one or two thoughts, remember you cannot lick your own elbow and that everything is awesome when you are part of a team…”

The world of Salesforce is small, and as active members of this community, we know that Shaun and Desynit will remain in touch. Good luck Shaun and farewell (for now)!

Shaun Holmes at Surf Force

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