The Desynit Good Egg Awards 2016

Desynit Good Eggs Awards 2016

Easter is upon us and Spring is in the air at long last. Before we depart for the bank holiday weekend, we’d like to take this moment to reflect and give thanks. What better time then, to announce the Desynit Dozen… yes it’s time for the Good Eggs Awards 2016.

We are lucky at Desynit, to have some great people around us, as clients, partners and friends. Now in it’s third year, The Good Eggs awards are our opportunity to thank a number of people who have truly been an egg box of delights, in terms of giving back and generally making the world a better place.

So in no particular order, here’s the cream eggs of the crop, 2016. We feel (c)lucky to know you!

(By the way, if you are puzzling over what the prize is, we’ve made a donation to homelessness charity St Mungo’s on their behalf)

James Phipps, Excalibur Communications

BLUE-Good-Egg-Badge_2016Thanks to the leadership of CEO James Phipps, Excalibur Communications is a business that has charity at its heart. The long list of brilliant causes Excalibur supports in Swindon and Wiltshire includes the raising of funds to fit out the teenage cancer treatment ward at the Bath Royal United Hospital. Suffice to say James is an EGGsample of how businesses can transform their community through their charitable commitment and efforts

The Jacari teamRED-Good-Egg-Badge_2016

Learning to speak English can be a lifeline for kids from a disadvantaged background. Jacari has made it their mission to teach kids, new to the UK, who have English as their second language. The plan for the charity was initially hatched by Oxford Uni students, but now also serves kids in Bristol too. Susie Perks, Sophie Hall-Luke and the team, we think your service is something to crow about.

GREEN-Good-Egg-Badge_2016Jon Milton, ABC Selfstore

Whether you are a business or an individual, ABC Selfstore can take the hassle out of storage, with great customer service and prices that cannot be beaten. How do they manage it? Through great business systems. We’ve enjoyed working with owner Jon because he loves technology, knows what he wants and always seems to be sunny-side up. Now that’s cracking!

PINK-Good-Egg-Badge_2016Simon Goodyear, Beaufort 12

Ever since Beaufort 12 CTO Simon was a spring chicken, he’s been involved in making the Salesforce community a better place for everyone. Whether speaking at a developer group, delivering free training courses or running events like London’s calling, we think he’s EGGstremely hardworking and for that, Simon, you deserve a squawk-out.

DKBLUE-Good-Egg-Badge_2016Dave Carroll,

As the Senior Director of Developer Evangelism at Salesforce, Dave Carroll is right at the top of the pecking order. He rules the roost from San Francisco but makes it his business to regularly fly the coop, and spread the love of development far and wide. Always fun and ready to get involved, if Dave Carroll’s around then you know something’s going on.

BLUE-Good-Egg-Badge_2016James Perrott

James has brought his experience from a big business background, to help (mainly) small Bristol businesses and social enterprises find their way. Offering no fuss advice, bike-mad James doesn’t get his feathers ruffled easily. We think it’s worth crowing James’ praises.

DKBLUE-Good-Egg-Badge_2016Christian Tait, Creative Cadence

The skillful hand of Mr Tait is behind a growing number of Bristol businesses. We’ve been lucky enough to have Creative Cadence founder Chris as our talented graphic designed for the last three years, and he’s never been less than EGGceptionally brilliant to work with. Creative, patient, diligent and just a jolly nice chap (we just hope no one poaches him from us).

RED-Good-Egg-Badge_2016Jamie Breese

If you don’t know who Jamie Breese is, then you need to get out of the hen house a bit more. With events like Only Connect, and Business Showcase Southwest, Jamie is putting Bristol business on the map. He also commits a great deal of time to supporting charities on a voluntary basis. What we like most about Jamie is his showman-style and general cock-a-doodle-can-do attitude. He’s no feather duster.

GREEN-Good-Egg-Badge_2016Chris Duarte, Trailhead

Trailhead is a pure golden egg of an app. Offering free, hands on and easy to follow Salesforce training ‘trails’, if you haven’t tried it yet, then you are simply missing out. A product as finger-clicking good as this deserves the world’s most committed and enthusiastic champion, and they’ve got just that in super-chick Chris Duarte.

DKBLUE-Good-Egg-Badge_2016Jennifer Laing, Wood Mackenzie

Jennifer Laing founded the UK’s first Women in Tech chapter in 2014. Based in Scotland, you won’t find Jennifer sitting on her perch – she’s far too busy organising and speaking at user groups and events, with a view to bringing business technology home to roost for women working with Salesforce.

BLUE-Good-Egg-Badge_2016Christopher Lewis, Cloud Clew

It was a sad day for Desynit, when Salesforce developer Chris flew the nest last year. However, we’ve been very pleased to see him spread his wings and really fly as a freelance developer. Chris has given time to supporting Alzheimer’s Society and Jessie May Trust in the past, and still finds time to offer Salesforce support to Bristol charity ERIC, on a pro-bono basis.

PINK-Good-Egg-Badge_2016Ben Trewhella, Opposable Games

Ben Trewhella, CEO of Opposable Games and founder of the world’s biggest Virtual Reality event, is one of those people who is making Bristol better for everyone. Aside from his day job, he sits on boards, he takes part in advisory panels, he has a talent for hatching fledgling tech and making it fly: the man’s a walking incubator. No yolk.

Well that’s it, the Desynit Good Eggs 2016. We are cock-a-hoop to know these guys and wanted to omelette everybody know they are all marvellous!

Have a fabulous Easter, however you choose to shellabrate it, from all at Desynit.


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