Desynit backed Bristol’s bid all the way, to become the European Green Capital in 2015. With the full support of our new Mayor, George Ferguson, and the coordination of the team at Bristol Green Capital Partnership, our city is ready to take on the challenge of becoming a green role model for other cities around the world.
We are really excited about Bristol’s role as the Green Capital of Europe. ย Firstly, and most importantly, we want to support a campaign that puts environmental issues at the heart of the political agenda. As a business and as individuals we can see it’s time for real change.
Beyond this, it’ also going to bring with it some incredible opportunities for the local economy.We will have the power to attract inward investment to the city, by creating a platform for environmental goods and services.
And we very proud that we are now working with their campaign team to get them successfully running on Salesforce. As a tool for their communications, is a perfect fit – linking together teams in different locations, coordinating their efforts and communicating to the right people at the right time.
But its also important to mention that Salesforce is the perfect fit for any business serious about reducing their carbon footprint. Why? ย In brief here are four good reasons why cloud computing plays a role in making a more sustainable business future:-
We’ve captured the story of how we worked with Bristol Green Capital on film. Thanks to Darren Hall, Partnership Manager at Bristol Green Capital for his involvement.
Our independent tech team has been servicing enterprise clients for over 15 years from our HQ in Bristol, UK. Let’s see how we can work together and get the most out of your Salesforce implementation.